Speeches in the National Assembly
Budget 2019 Speech
Hits: 4129
100th Sitting - Eleventh Parliament
03 Dec, 2018Mr. Speaker, I rise to move the motion for the approval of the Estimates of the Public Sector and the Budget for the Financial Year 2019, and in doing so, I wish to indicate that Cabinet has recommended that the National Assembly proceed upon this motion, pursuant to Article 171 Paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct honour to be able to deliver Budget 2019, the fifth and penultimate budget of this Administration’s first term in Government. Today presents us with yet another opportunity to highlight our successes and achievements as a...
Read MoreStatement to the National Assembly on Thursday December 14th, 2017 by the Hon. Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl B. Greenidge on the Exxon “signing bonus”
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81st Sitting - Eleventh Parliament
14 Dec, 2017Mr. Speaker Honourable Members, I would like to address the issue of a payment made to the Government of Guyana by ExxonMobil in 2016 in connection with what has been dubbed the scandal surrounding a ‘signing bonus’. The story as told by a section of Guyana’s media alleges deception on the part of the Government of Guyana, illegal actions by Ministers and the threat of investigation of the Government by the Auditor General as well as civil prosecution by Mr. Christopher Ram, a private citizen. Many Guyanese would have been reading with growing unease the sensational headlines...
Read MoreBUDGET SPEECH 2018 - Honourable Mr. Winston D. Jordan , M.P. Minister of Finance
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73rd Sitting - Eleventh Parliament
27 Nov, 2017Mr. Speaker, I rise to move the motion for the approval of the Estimates of the Public Sector and the Budget for the Financial Year 2018 and, in doing so, I wish to indicate that Cabinet has recommended that the National Assembly proceed upon this motion, pursuant to Article 171, Paragraph 2, of the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. Mr. Speaker, it pleases me greatly to be able to deliver Budget 2018, the fourth of six budgets that this Government is expected to present, in this House, during its first term. This fourth budget is being presented at the middle of...
Read MorePresident’s address at the opening of the 71st Sitting of the 11th Parliament
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71st Sitting of the Eleventh Parliament
02 Nov, 2017His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana at the opening of the 71st Sitting of the 11th Parliament. Thursday, November 2, 2017. The common good It is my honour, in the exercise of my privilege enshrined in the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana at Article 67 (1), to address you today as I have done before, at every new session of the National Assembly. The Constitution states: The President may, at any time, attend and address the National Assembly. Having opened the 11th Parliament on 10th June 2015, I addressed the National Assembly on 22nd October 2015 and again...
Read MoreFinance Minister’s Budget Presentation 2017
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47th Sitting - Eleventh Parliament
30 Nov, 2016Introduction Mr. Speaker, I rise to move the motion for the approval of the Estimates of the Public Sector and the Budget for the Financial Year 2017 and, in doing so, I wish to indicate that Cabinet has ecommended that the National Assembly proceed upon this motion, pursuant to Article 171,Paragraph 2 , of the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct pleasure to deliver Budget 2017, the third budget of the Coalition Government in just over a year an d half in office. While this, by itself, must be something of a record, perhaps, of...
Read MorePresident’s Addresss to the National Assembly at reconvening of Parliament
Hits: 5360
43rd Sitting- Eleventh Parliament
13 Oct, 2016The quality of life ‘Quality of life’ is a measure of citizens’ satisfaction with their lives. People’s personal values and life experiences determine their level of satisfaction. This includes health, independence, participation in community and civic activities, personal development, physical and material well-being, recreation, relationships with other people and social support. Citizens, usually, are uncomfortable with high levels of crime; insanitary conditions in the countryside and city and incivility by officials, all of which contribute to lowering the ‘quality of life.’ These conditions should not be regarded as a permanent state but as...
Read MoreMessage from His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, to the National Assembly, on the occasion of the 50th year of Guyana’s Independence read by the Hon. Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo
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24 May, 2016Fellow Guyanese, Guyana gained its independence from Great Britain on 261h May 1966 after more than three hundred and fifty years of Dutch and British rule. Guyana was first colonised by the Dutch and, eventually, was ceded to Great Britain in 1814. The three colonies — Demerara-Essequibo and Berbice were united as British Guiana 185 years ago. Our forebears came from the continents of Africa, Asia and Europe and encountered the indigenous people of the continent of South America. They laid the foundation for creating a unique, new nation on these shores. They yearned for freedom. Guyanese, today, pay homage to the contributions...
Read MoreAddress of H.E. David Granger to Parliament, May 12, 2016
Hits: 5464
12 May, 2016The Year of Renaissance Mr. Speaker, thank you for your kind welcome to address the house today as we approach our fiftieth anniversary of Independence. Honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo; Vice President, Ministers of the Government, Leader of the Opposition, Members of the National Assembly, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Clerk of the National Assembly, special invitees, members of the media, ladies and gentlemen Guyana, this year, will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its political Independence from the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The instruments of Independence, which you saw in the passage way, were handed over in this...
Read MoreMinister Sharma’s presentation during Budget Debates 2016
Hits: 4243
25th Sitting - Eleventh Parliament
10 Feb, 2016Mr. Speaker, as I rise to participate in the debate of the motion for the approval of the Estimates of the Public Sector and the Budget for the Financial Year 2016, let me first commend my colleague, Minister of Finance Hon. Winston Jordan on delivering the 2016 Budget on January 29, 2016, which was accomplished in less than 6 months after delivering Budget 2015 on August 10, 2015. Mr. Speaker, Budget 2016 was presented under the theme “Stimulating Growth, Restoring Confidence: The Good Life Beckons” and I have no doubt that our Coalition Government will achieve these goals in this of our 50th Independence celebration, our...
Read MoreMinister of Business, Budget 2016 Speech
Hits: 5020
24th Sitting- Eleventh Parliament
08 Feb, 2016Mr. Speaker, with your leave I wish to speak in support of a budget which, from all accounts has raised the spirits of the Guyanese people. This budget has also raised the bar and set a new standard for effective public spending. The good life beckons and, with the exception, of a small disgruntled minority, the Guyanese people recognize it. Mr. Speaker the theme of this year’s budget is most appropriate for a nation in our particular circumstances. Our G$52B Capital budget will pump life into our economy as it rolls out an infrastructure agenda that has...
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