Parliament of the co-operative Republic of Guyana


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Copyright ©2014 Parliament of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.

Standing Committees:

Parliamentary Management Committee

The Parliamentary Management Committee considers and decides on matters relating to

-      the business of the National Assembly;

-      such other matters which the Committee may wish to consider; and

-       such other matters referred to it by the National Assembly.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Parliamentary Management Committee

Public Accounts Committee

The Public Accounts Committee has the following responsibilities:

-      examine the audited accounts, as presented in the Auditor General's Report, showing the appropriation of sums granted by the National Assembly to meet pubic expenditure and such other accounts laid before the Assembly as the Assembly may refer to it;

-      exercise general supervision over the functioning of the Auditor General in accordance with the Rules, Policies and Procedures Manual and any other law; and

-      nominate the members of the Public Procurement Commission for approval by the National Assembly and, thereafter, the appointment by the President; and to determine the emoluments and allowances of the Public Procurement Commission in consultation with the Commission.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Public Accounts Committee

Committee on Appointments

The Committee on Appointments has the responsibility to:

-      identify the appropriated bodies for consultation in the appointment of the relevant members of Commissions established under the Constitution, conduct the necessary consultation with them and, where necessary, receive nominations from appropriated bodies;

-      make recommendations to the National Assembly; and

-      report to the National Assembly in relation to each Commission as soon as possible upon the discharge of its functions in relation thereto.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Committee on Appointments

Parliamentary Oversight Committee on the Security Sector

The Parliamentary Oversight Committee on the Security Sector examines the policies and administration of the entities in the security sector, namely the Disciplined Forces of Guyana

The Committee has the power to co-opt experts or enlist the aid of other persons of appropriate expertise, whether or not such experts or persons are members of the National Assembly.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Parliamentary Oversight Committee on the Security Sector

Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Economic Services

The Sectoral Committees, in the exercise of their responsibilities, have the power to examine all policies and administration for each sector to determine whether the execution of Government policy is in consonance with the principle of good governance and in the best interest of the nation.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Economic Services

Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Social Services

The Sectoral Committees, in the exercise of their responsibilities, have the power to examine all policies and administration for each sector to determine whether the execution of Government policy is in consonance with the principle of good governance and in the best interest of the nation.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Social Services

Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Foreign Relations

The Sectoral Committees, in the exercise of their responsibilities, have the power to examine all policies and administration for each sector to determine whether the execution of Government policy is in consonance with the principle of good governance and in the best interest of the nation.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Foreign Relations

Parliamentary Standing Committee For Constitutional Reform

Pursuant to Article 119A of the Constitution, as soon as may be the beginning of each National Assembly there shall be appointed a Standing Committee for Constitutional Reform for the purpose of the continually reviewing the effectiveness of the working of the Constitution and making periodic reports there on to the National Assembly, with proposal for reform as necessary. The Parliamentary Standing Committee for Constitutional Reform shall consist of not less than six (6) or more than ten (10) Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection.

To assist in its work, the Committee shall have the power to co-opt experts or enlist the aid of other persons of appropriate expertise, whether or not such experts or other persons are Members of the National Assembly.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Parliamentary Standing Committee For Constitutional Reform

Committee of Selection

The Committee of Selection

-     nominates Members to sit on all Committees of the National Assembly, except the Committee of the Whole; and

-     considers such other matters referred to it by the Assembly.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Committee of Selection

Parliamentary Sectoral Committee On Natural Resources

Sessional Select Committees:

Standing Orders Committee

The Standing Orders Committee considers from time to time and reports on all matters relating to the Standing Orders which are referred to it by the Assembly.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Standing Orders Committee

Assembly Committee

The Assembly Committee considers and advises the Speaker upon all matters connected with the comfort and convenience of Members of the Assembly.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Assembly Committee

Committee of Privileges

Any matter which appears to affect the powers and privileges of the Assembly is referred to this Committee whose duty is to consider any such matter and to report thereon to the Assembly.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Committee of Privileges

Statutory Instruments Committee

The Statutory Instruments Committee has the duty of considering all such instruments (as defined by the Interpretation and General Clauses Act, Cap 2:01, for the time being in force) as under the authority of any law to be laid before the Assembly, and are to be subject to negative resolution within the meaning of the Interpretation and General Clauses Act. The Statutory Instruments Committee has a duty to consider all such statutory instruments, that are subject to affirmative resolution as may be referred to it by the Assembly.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Statutory Instruments Committee

Business Sub-committee Of The Committee Of Supply

There shall be a Committee of the Whole Assembly to be called the Committee of Supply. The deliberations of the Committee shall be in public.
It shall be the duty of the Committee of Supply to consider the Estimates and Supplementary Estimates of Expenditure and Statements if Excesses presented to the Assembly.

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

View more: Business Sub-committee Of The Committee Of Supply

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