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Copyright ©2014 Parliament of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.

Contributions of the Late Robert Williams

Hits: 3889 | Published Date: 02 Aug, 2012
| Speech delivered at: 27th Sitting- Tenth Parliament
| Speech Delivered by : Hon. Joseph Hamilton, MP

Mr. Hamilton: Thank you very much Mr. Speaker. Mr. Robert Williams, if there is one thing I can say about him is that he was always willing to help. I got to know Mr. Robert Williams sometime in the mid 70’s or thereabout, but it was in 1994 that I got to know him very well because we served together at the Municipality as Councillors. Mr. Speaker, you and the Madam Deputy Speaker, also would have served at the same time.
The personal Mr. Robert Williams, if I can used a quote of him one day discussing a matter where someone needed help and they were getting difficulties getting that help, he stated that his office was there to help the general public and he counselled that even if the powers did not reside in him to offer assistance he would endeavour to find out where the power reside so that assistance can be rendered.
I think all the persons who would have come in contact with Mr. Robert Williams that is what they can testify about, a man who was always prepared to lend a hand, to help.
We worked together at the Georgetown City Council for several years and we served on many committees together. He was the Chairman of the Finance Committee at the Mayor and City Council, he was elected there in 1998 and he served as Chairman of the Finance Committee until his death. Also, he was the Chairman of the Markets Committee. He was the Chairman of the Public Health Committee and he was a member of the Municipal International Relations Committee.
My experiences and I have dealt with many persons who profess that they have a grasped of the Local Government, but my experience is, I have never met a person who had an understanding of the Municipal and District Council’s Act like Mr. Robert Williams, that was his Bible, Chapter 28:01. Any situation at anytime in any committee that crop up and we wanted clarity on the matter, it was Mr. Robert Williams we turned to advise us and interpret the Municipal and District Council’s Act.
Mr. Robert Williams loved the city and therefore he loved the Mayor and City Council. The Mayor and City Council, presently have a steel band that is, The City Jammers Steel Orchestra That came into being with Mr. Robert Williams involvement with the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture at the time when my Hon. Colleague, Mde. Gail Teixeira served as Minister of that Ministry. Through his intervention, the Ministry facilitated the pans and all the instruments because he believed that his role was to try to help young people and that was why, as indicated by the Hon. Member, Mr. Basil Williams - his involvement in dominoes, he was “Mr. Domino”. Sometimes you would go around South Georgetown, in the evening or maybe a Sunday afternoon and you would see a set of vehicles and you ask what is happening up the road there and someone will say, “It is Robert Williams Dominoes competition.”
Mr. Robert Williams would be known as, for those who knew him, a friend, a confidant, a councillor, a planner and advisor and a mediator. He was a dear friend.
In the period of his sickness, I recall going to see him many days at the Georgetown City Council as Deputy Mayor and even in the time of his sickness, he continue to preserve, continue to give service to the people of the city. That was the man Robert Williams. He continued to serve the people of Georgetown; he continued to show strength and commitment to his work.
Also, we from time to time will discuss the matters of the Guyana Elections Commission where he served as a commissioner up until his death and you will recall that there were many instances, when Mr. Williams at the level of the Elections Commission took positions – his positions – to resolve matters at the Commission. You would know the records will show that many times he got serious political flack for positions he would have taken at the level of the Guyana Elections Commission. But he would always indicate to me that whatever position he took, he took it after giving great thought and his position was always with a clear conscience, it was always to enhance the work of the Guyana Elections Commission, where he served at a commissioner for several years.
So, Mr, Speaker, on behalf of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Government and my own behalf, let me say that I endorse the motion standing in the name of the Hon. Member, Mr. Basil Williams, expressing our deepest regret at the passing of our friend and colleague, the Hon. Robert Williams and seek to express our condolences to his wife and his children and his many relatives. May his sold rest in peace.

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